CiiCC – Centre for Climate Change Research and Innovation

Research Team

  1. Nelson A. Lagos – Centre Director – BSc in Marine Biology.
  2. Julián Cáceres V., MSc – Executive Director – BSc in Marine Biology.
  3. Paula Monsalve Bustos – Research Assistant – Engineer in Natural Resource Conservation.

About the CiiCC

The research team at the CiiCC has extensive experience studying in climate change in the ocean, macro-ecology, modelling of species distribution, and cultivation and management of marine resources.  In collaboration with a broad scientist network, the CiiCC put a strong focus on problem-solving issues, which are addressed using a cross-disciplinary approach.

Our main challenge is to contribute to the generation of new knowledge, products and services of public and/or private interest, in the area of environmental sciences, particularly in relation to the causes and effects of global climate change on the ecosystem services provided by the coastal ocean.

Aims and Objectives

CiiCC performs basic and applied research, aimed at understanding climate change impacts on ecosystems services of the coastal ocean, with an emphasis on the opportunities for scientific and technological innovations that our natural capital offers for adapting to and mitigating the impacts of climate change.

Strategic Lines

  • Research and innovation about climate change in the ocean and social and economics impacts in Chile
  • Provide advice and consulting to public and private organization interested in the development of mitigation and adaptation strategies in confronting climate change impacts
  • Transferring new technologies for small-scale fisheries, aquaculture and other interested end-
  • Support the training in sciences of the students at Santo Tomas University
  • Communicate the science of climate changes and its impacts across all educational levels of the Chilean society